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Financial Accounting(会计学院)

Financial Management(会计学院)



Human Resource Management (工商管理学院)

Organisational Behaviour(工商管理学院)




Course description:

Financial institutions and markets are the cornerstones of the modern financial system, and as such knowledge of these organisations is important in any professional career in the business world. This course provides students with an introduction to the Australian financial markets and an evaluation of the institutions, instruments and participants involved in the industry. The markets to be evaluated include the equity, bond, futures, and options markets. The course systematically reviews each of these financial markets and examines the various institutional participants and the different types of financial instruments offered. Information is vital to the today's financial professional. Accessing, processing, analysing and communicating information is an important attribute developed within the course.


On successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

1. Describe and communicate the components of the Australian financial system

2. Identify and explain the basic instruments of corporate funding

3. Comprehend and explain how securities are traded

4. Demonstrate how derivative instruments are valued

5. Apply basic financial mathematics to financial problem solving.

6. Analyse the operations of the equity, bond, futures and options markets

7. Access, manage and utilise sources of current information and media to further expand their financial knowledge.


Lectures will include, but may not be restricted to, the following topics:

1. An overview of the financial system

2. The share market and corporations

3. Corporations issuing equity in the share market

4. Investors in the share market

5. An examination of short-term debt

6. An examination of long-term debt

7. An introduction to interest rate determination

8. Futures markets and forward-rate agreements

9. Options markets


Principles of Marketing

Course description:

To achieve business success requires constant review of marketing strategies and maintenance of marketing knowledge. The Principles of Marketing introduces foundational concepts/frameworks in marketing and develops both strategic and short-term marketing and planning perspectives. Topics include the marketing environment, market segmentation, new product development and the marketing mix, as well as mix interactions, strategies, implementations and controls. This course develops communication and team processes which are valued attributes within marketing environments.


At the successful completion of the course you will be able to:

1. Examine and discuss the key concepts and principles of marketing;

2. Identify and explain the main factors involved in understanding the marketplace;

3. Demonstrate an integrative understanding of the steps involved in marketing planning;

4. Analyse the components of the marketing mix;

5. Access, analyse, evaluate and synthesise information appropriate for marketing activities.

6. Work collaboratively to challenge and develop ideas, and to communicate outcomes in both oral and written contexts.


Lectures may include, but will not be restricted to, the following topics:

1. Marketing overview & the environment

2. Strategic & Marketing Planning

3. Marketing Research

4. Markets & Buyer Behaviour

5. Segmentation Targeting and Positioning

6. New Product Development Strategy

7. Products, Services and Experience

8. Pricing and Distribution Strategy

9. Promotion and Marketing Communication Strategy

10. International Marketing

11. Creating Competitive Advantage



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